How To Connect Iphone To Wifi Without Unlocking Phone
It is indeed Possible to use your iPhone or Android Phone Without. For an Unlocked Phone and using it without a. A WiFi network, your latest iPhone.
Advertisement A smartphone is a very personal device; I definitely wouldn’t want anyone fiddling around with my phone without my knowledge. Worse still, were anyone to steal the device, I wouldn’t want them to be able to access any of my data. That’s why I use a PIN code to lock my screen, and why I’ve installed Cerberus, one of four great Be sure to install one of these anti-theft apps before your device is stolen. It could happen to any of us. We’ve reviewed (our all-around winner, in fact). That said, repeatedly typing my PIN code all day long can quickly become annoying — doubly so when I don’t even really need my device locked, because I’m at home.
This inconvenience may be part of the reason why people don’t use PIN codes as often as they should. So, wouldn’t it be nice were my smartphone clever enough to automatically unlock itself whenever I’m at a safe place? Iphone Unlock System more. That’s exactly what free app offers. A Free Solution That (Mostly) Works: The need to automatically unlock your device when connected to a trusted Wi-Fi network is not a new one; we’ve covered an app called way back in 2011.
That app is still being maintained to this day, but it also costs a (relatively) whopping $5. Just for comparison, that’s more than what the all-powerful When it comes to device automation, there's just one 900-lb gorilla in the Android space, and that's Tasker.