How To Unlock Microsoft Phone Password
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adminHowdy, folks! Here in the identity division at Microsoft, we don’t like passwords any more than you do!
Iphone 4 For Sale Unlocked Australia here. So we’ve been hard at work creating a modern way to sign in that doesn’t require upper and lowercase letters, numbers, a special character, and your favorite emoji. And after a soft launch last month, we’re excited to announce the GA our newest sign-in feature: phone sign-in for Microsoft accounts! With phone sign-in, we’re shifting the security burden from your memory to your device. Just add your account to the Android or iOS Microsoft Authenticator app, then enter your username as usual when signing in somewhere new. Instead of entering your password, you’ll get a notification on your phone. How Do Cell Phone Stores Unlock Phones. Unlock your phone, tap “Approve”, and you’re in. This process is easier than standard two-step verification and significantly more secure than only a password, which can be forgotten, phished, or compromised.