How To Unlock Wifi Password On Iphone
Iphone 5s 16gb Factory Unlocked New.
adminLearn how to share WiFi password on iPhone or iPad in iOS 11 easily. Quickly share Wi-Fi passwords on iPhone or iPad running iOS 11. How To Unlock Car With Cell Phone Code.
If you have Wi-Fi or internet connectivity on your iPhone it's pretty easy to install carrier unlock via on your device, however, things get complicated if you have no internet or Wi-Fi available on your iPhone leaving you with no choice but to install manually which require working with iPhone file-system and file-permissions. Thankfully, we do have a pretty much unknown utility ' UltraPusher' which lets users install MobileSubstrate and Ultrasn0w on their iPhone offline from any windows computer, all you need to do is to connect your phone via USB and let UltraPusher inject the required files automatically. So, here's the way to unlock your iPhone with UltraSn0w 0.93 without an internet connection Download the ultrasn0w 0.9.3 in zip format and extract it; in there are 2 *.deb files (ultrasn0w Now, what you need, it's a jailbroken iPhone. Meaning the phone was jaibroken using redsn0w, snowbreeze or pwnagetool. If the phone was jailbroken with blackra1n or spirit, then you have to install afc2add via Cydia. But you can't do that since you don't have wifi:-). Anyway, if requirements above are meet, you need to transfer the *.deb files and put them in private/var/root/Media/Cydia/AutoInstall.