Iphone 5s Unlocked Big W
What Is Unlocking An Iphone 4. I purchased this 'pre-paid' iPhone 5S from Telstra a few weeks back from their Tuesday deal and it came LOCKED to their network. However, I got it UNLOCKED via their Live Chat for FREE.
So, even if it is locked, you can 100% get it unlocked in 5 minutes at no cost to you.:) That sounds strange. I have purchased several of these Telsra iPhones - both these 5s and the previous 5c models. Cheap Unlocked Cell Phones For Sale Canada. Although some came up as carrier locked when checking the IMEI (I only checked the first two, and did not bother later) they all became carrier unlocked upon activation. So there was no need for me or my friends to contact Telstra for an unlock. Rapidweaver Keygen.