Unlock Iphone 4 Tutorial

Unlock Iphone 4 Tutorial

IPhone tutorials (Unlock) with detailed how to instructions by iClarified. Does Jailbreaking Unlock Iphone 6 here. Tutorials with detailed how to instructions by iClarified.

Unlock iPhone 4/3G/3GS on iOS 6.1 Using Ultrasn0w Fixer with Ultrasn0w v1.2.8 package The Evad3rs Dream Team recently released the latest Ultrasn0w v1.2.8 with support for iOS 6.1 unlock on iPhone 4, 3G and 3GS running on older basebands. The new Ultrasn0w update released on Cydia supports the following basebands on select iPhone devices: • iPhone 4 on baseband 01.59.00 • iPhone 3G/3GS on basebands 04.26.08, 05. Unlocked Iphone 5 Gsm Only. 11.07,, 05.13.04 or 06.15.00 iPhone 4 users with basebands 04.11.08, 04.12.01 or 04.12.02 and 3GS users with new bootROM cannot use the latest Ultrasn0w tool. Such users should try a legitimate IMEI unlocking service to unlock iOS 6.1 firmware. Prerequisites • Make sure that the iPhone device baseband is listed above before proceeding with the Ultrasn0w unlock.

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